我们家真的很爱很爱吃辣,所以泰国餐一直都是我们出外用餐的首选。老实说泰国餐我真的吃过不少,其中的佼佼者都是在藏在小贩中心里小小的摊位,不起眼,没冷气,可是味道真的是一流的啊!(哎哟这个我下次再介绍好了哈哈~)反观那些装潢地漂亮好看、有冷气的连锁泰国餐馆却常常让我失望~ 但今天我要和大家分享的泰国连锁餐厅却很有水准哦!打破了我对泰国连锁餐厅的偏见,原来Shopping Mall里面也可以找到好吃的泰国餐!
Thai cuisine is always my family's favourite whenever we're eating outside since all of us are spicy lovers. I dined in numerous Thai restaurants and my favourite goes to a small and unpleasant-looking stall in non-air-conditioned hawker centre. (I will talk about this stall another day haha) In contrast, those franchised Thai restaurants frequently found in shopping malls are not my cup of tea. These restaurants are well-furnished and the environment is more comfortable but sad to say, I'm not pleased with their food (for most of the time). Oh yea the Princess is hard to please! After several unpleasant dining experience at these franchised Thai restaurants, I can't help but to avoid them when I want to have Thai cuisine. However, the Thai restaurant that I'm going to share with you today changed my mindset. My perception on franchised Thai restaurants was proven wrong after I dined in this restaurant.
Absolute Thai @ KSL City Mall, Johor Bahru |
身为JB人我竟然从来不知道KSL City Mall 里面藏着这家泰国餐厅!什么?!哎哟这也不能怪我啊,毕竟公主我大部分的时间都在KL,一年内大概只有30天是在JB的呵呵~ Absolute Thai 位于KSL的Lower Ground, 也就是Tesco的那层。Absolute Thai其实不太好找,背对Tesco的话,Absolute Thai 就在Tesco的右手边,只要一直往右走就会看到这家店咯~
I was really surprised to know that there is a Thai restaurant hidden in the KSL City Mall. I shopped at KSL City Mall quite frequently and I have never seen this restaurant before omg @@ Located at the Lower Ground of KSL City Mall, Absolute Thai is at the same row with Tesco.
一踏進Absolute Thai我就被裏面時尚摩登的裝潢給深深吸引住了!太漂亮了啦!和我固有印象中的泰國餐廳實在是差太遠了!通常泰國餐廳都會裝潢地很有熱帶風情,店裏多數都會擺些椰樹啊之類的,這麽有時尚感的泰國餐廳我還是第一次見識哦!
In contrast to the other Thai restaurants which are usually furnished in Tropical design, Absolute Thai is a very stylish and modern restaurant. This is my first time to see such a trendy and chic Thai restaurant!
How lovely it is! I fell in love with the interior design of Absolute Thai immediately as soon as I stepped into the shop! At one moment I thought I was back to some coffee house in Korea! This is just too pretty to be real!
欣賞了Absolute Thai的摩登裝潢,現在就讓我來為大家品嘗這裡的美食佳肴吧!
After giving you a short tour at the well-furnished Absolute Thai, it's the time to kick start our hot and spicy gastronomical journey today!