Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Ink N Water @Taman Pelangi, Johor Bahru

Chilled at Ink N Water last year and I finally have the time to sit down and blog about it, better late than never, isn't it? *finding excuse for myself* I was torn between Cafe Racer by Grillbar and Ink N Water because both of the cafes are only a stone's away from each other and both of them are highly raved among the cafe hoppers. Since my friend wanted to try Ink N Water this round, we decided to save Cafe Racer by Grillbar for the next gathering. 

I was totally amazed by this heavy and bulky door made from iron, it looks so rigid doesn't it? I like how the rust spread over the door in an aesthetic way, it looks so rustic and guess what, it smells rusty too!

Tuesday, 24 May 2016


昨天闲着没事做,把过去四个月的日记给读了一遍,发现出现率最高的字眼,竟然是 “I'm so blessed” 和“好开心” !

Sunday, 22 May 2016

The Toast Permas Jaya 百萬鎮土司坊

超級懶惰的Princess Neverland今天很有火,奇跡般地非常Bersemangat要寫blog,實屬難得!最近我被懶蟲纏身,周末肯定是T-shirt短褲人字拖再配上Aunty頭,有在臉上擦防曬就已經要偷笑了!可是今天本公主突然覺得這樣是不行的,我不可以再這麽邋遢懶惰下去了!Weekdays人模人樣而weekend卻被打回原形,No No No No Way!所以今天就起了個大早認認真真地打扮,就像平時上班那樣好好地挑衣服選鞋子,人樣又回來了哈哈哈!而我這不知從哪裏生出來的semangat在吃完早餐看完報紙之後竟然還沒熄滅,那就別浪費這難得的semangat,趕快開電腦來寫篇文!

The Toast Permas Jaya 百萬鎮土司坊

The Toast Permas Jaya 百萬鎮土司坊 

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Watsons & Maybelline Collaborates to Inspire Women at Roadshows with Prizes worth RM6800 to be won!

Calling beauty and cosmetic lovers in the South! Watsons brings in the Maybelline Magnum Barbie roadshow happening at JB City Square from 16 to 22 May! The roadshow promises shoppers one exciting experience where attractive prizes and goodies are offered when visiting the roadshow. This roadshow is collaboration between Asia’s leading beauty and health retailer with renowned American cosmetic brand which will be held over 10 different locations.

Monday, 2 May 2016

馬六甲兩天一夜美食自由行-春興薄餅 Bunga Raya Popiah

馬六甲的美食真的很多,在短短的兩天一夜的輕旅行中要嘗遍所有的道地美食還真的有點難度咧!這趟馬六甲的小旅行完全就是以吃為中心以美食爲主軸,回來之後大家都長肉了我的天啊~ 抵達馬六甲時已接近兩點鐘,大家都快餓暈了(好吧其實就只有我快餓暈)Checked in酒店、把行李放到房間之後我們就步行到酒店附近的春興薄餅,想說先買個Popiah充飢。



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