Sunday 31 January 2021

SCS CNY Cookies Gift Set - Pineapple Tarts & Cranberry Butter Cookies

Chinese New Year is just around the corner, it means it’s time to indulge in CNY goodies! My personal favourite is definitely butter cookies and pineapple tarts, they are my CNY must-have and my mother will always get a bottle or two for the family. 

Sunday 17 January 2021

Cosmic Moment Serein Vegan Shampoo & Conditioner Vinegar

Cosmic Moment Serein Vegan Shampoo & Conditioner Vinegar

A number of studies have confirmed that millennials are more likely to experience premature hair loss as compared to the generations before them - all thanks to their fast-paced and stressful lifestyle. We could face hair loss problem as soon as we step into the 30s! I truly believe that prevention is better than cure, so don't wait until your hairline starts to recede, that will be too late!

Sunday 3 January 2021


2020年终于结束了!拜新冠病毒所赐,2020年过得诡异又不真实,除了奇怪还是奇怪。我在这一年内所安排的大小计划,全都没办法进行。而在新加坡工作的我,也已经足足10个月没回家了😢 让我们快速地回顾2020,记录一下这独特的一年:

  1. 我大部分的时间都在工作,简直忙疯了!3月头就开始了居家办公的生活,目前也依然在Work from home,感觉上一辈子都要在家上班了哈哈哈!我喜欢在家办公,不必浪费时间commute,效率高成效佳,好处多不胜数啊~ 
  2. 这一年应该是我运动量最高的一年了——游泳跑步健身爬山还有一堆乱七八糟的体操(?)Tabata,完全是竭尽所能地在运动。不过呢,遗憾的是我自9月起就停止了所有的运动,把100%的时间都奉献给工作,在年尾做最后的冲刺(借口😝)希望在新的一年里,我可以不要再那么拼命地工作(我真的可以吗?XD),并继续维持有规律的运动,上了年纪的身体要好好照顾才行。
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