Remember my previous post regarding IKAN Brand Instant Tomyam Paste? It's a simple and easy recipe and today, I'm going to prepare some other dishes using other instant pastes from IKAN Brand. Opps! Did I say that I'm going to prepare the dishes myself? Aiyah typo there, my mum will prepare the dishes and I will be savouring the dishes on your behalf haha! Since I can only do some light cooking in my rented house so.... I shall just pass the baton to my beautiful and talented Mum hehe!
Sunday, 28 June 2015
Thursday, 25 June 2015
Dream Cafe @ Taman Mount Austin, Johor Bahru
Sooner or later I'm going to change my blog genre into a food blog, so many food posts in a row oh my goodness! Not mentioning that I still have a long long list of unpublished drafts pending for publication now. I love hanging out with my friends in the vicinity of Taman Mount Austin and to my horror, I can never catch the speed of opening of new cafes in this area given that I do café hopping at least twice a week! Nah nah nah I'm neither a coffee lover nor a rich young girl (yours truly is a poor young girl inside out and upside down), it's all because of my friends' preference that makes me visit to cafes so often. Personally I would prefer to fly kites at Bukit Layang-layang, to bake and cook together or to have a picnic at a random park, how fun and awesome will that be! Speaking of that, I've been suggesting the above-mentioned activities for ages (since high school if I'm not mistaken) and nobody ever takes my words serious after so many years, and my small dreams never come true *sob sob* Oh I just wrote a paragraph of craps and I have never failed to do so in most of my blog posts, I think this somehow show my determination and persistence in sprouting nonsense wherever and whenever I am. Where were we just now? Oh oh oh I said that I can't catch with the speed of opening of new cafés in Taman Mount Austin even though I go there very frequently, they're popping up in this area at every single second! I'm such a kind soul that I wanna keep you guys updated with all the happenings in JB so today, I'm going to share another new cafe with you all, the Dream Cafe!
最近美食文泛滥啊!我的Blog都要换Genre了,干脆就变成Food Blog好了哈哈哈!话说我明明就上Cafe上得非常频密,一星期最少两次好不好?可我怎么永远都赶不上JB新Cafe的速度啊?随便在Mount Austin打个圈就能发现又有新的Cafe开张了。来来来,今天就来给大家跟进一下Mount Austin的新Cafe,Dream Cafe也!
According to Chef Patrick the mastermind behind Dream Cafe, the cafe has been operating for 6 months.
其实Dream Cafe已经营业快半年了,是我自己孤陋寡闻没有去过而已啦~
Hey I love this outdoor dining area! It looks so romantic don't you agree?
I will definitely choose to sit here if I'm coming during the night time.
Food 大吃大喝,
Tuesday, 16 June 2015
[Giveaway] IKAN Brand酸辣Tomyam即煮醬:Tomyam一鍋熟
哇哈哈哈今天這篇我籌備得很興奮咧!老實說我很喜歡煮,不覺得自己下廚很有滿足感而且超好玩的嗎?重點是還可以擺盤!雖然我煮來煮去都是同樣幾道菜,但只要好吃就可以了嘛,貴精不貴多!(只要我爸爸說好吃那就是好吃嘻嘻)我喜歡吃辣,咖喱和Tomyam都很愛,可是兩者都需要大量的香料,而且烹調過程複雜冗長,我這種初學者根本無法駕馭,想煮卻煮不出啊~ *淚*
When there's demand, there's a supply! 爲了打救像我這樣時間寶貴+ 廚藝有限+ 硬是要自己下廚的都市新女性(好吧我只是小資女一枚,都市新女性這五個字我是越打越心虛) ,IKAN Brand推出了一系列各種風味的即煮醬料,人人都可變大廚哦!今天就來和大家分享懶人最愛的一鍋熟,方便簡單又省時!
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
CaRFFee Coffee Bar @Taman Molek, Johor Bahru
Another cafe post today! I wonder how long it will take for me to clear all of the cafe-related posts, they're piling in my draft folders oh my.... Visited CaRFFee Coffee Bar at Taman Molek for their well-known waffle and it really lives up to its name, it's a must-try cafe in Johor Bahru area!
Painted in apple green, CaRFFee Coffee Bar is very eye-catching and it can be located very easily, you're not going to miss it out.
I love the colour combination used in the interior design of the cafe, apple green X lilac is so youthful and energizing!
The design of the coffee bar is so special and awesome! I just can't move my eyes away from the exquisite coffee bar. The wallpaper and the lighting make a seamless match with the coffee bar, creating a warm and cozy corner in the cafe.
Outdoor Dining Area
Thursday, 4 June 2015
这个星期是大学上课的最后一个Week,看着灯灯上了最后一堂课,和coursemates们吃饭+ 狂拍照,我整个情绪就开始蔓延。
看着她的照片,就忍不住地觉得好伤感。我上最后一堂课的时候好像根本就没有什么时间好难过的。那个时候啊,我的实验诸多不顺,仪器坏掉还不止,千辛万苦+ 波折重重+ 要生要死+ 好不容易才提炼出来的Fuel在送去检测分析时被Technician给全都蒸发掉了;没良心的Supervisor爱理不理,老是叫我别烦她(刚生孩子的人眼里就只有她的宝贝,学生毕不了业算什么)。那个时候啊,我忙着在Department和实验室里钻,论文半天吊的,Poster上面没Results,要生不生要死不死,回想起来就觉得好可怕!
我还很记得最后一堂课的情景,是Hamdam的Process Engineering。要以Hamdam来做结尾,光是想的就觉得好烂,真不愧是我烂地透彻的大学生涯。 最后一堂课,只有寥寥几个人。我们在第四年会分流,所以一起上课的同学变少了。但其实也没差,我喜欢的同学都在Oil & Gas and Process Engineering 的班上,有美仪,有Shuk Ling,有姿洁,有佩芬,有Yvonne,有俊霖,有Kent也有Nic,那就够了。结束最后一堂课后,大家各自回到实验室去做最后的努力和收拾。走向实验室的路上,我心中满是感慨,真的超级超级感慨的。离别我最擅长了,可是要离开我向来都不喜欢的地方,感觉真的好不一样,很诡异。Errr怎么说呢,就好像你很讨厌考试,很希望赶快毕业以后再也不必考试,但在考最后一张Paper时又好像有点舍不得为考试而努力为考试而熬夜的日子。所以说人类真是复杂,灰色地带永远那么多,矛盾得要命。拼命想要离开,但在离开前还是忍不住地回头望了望。离开前的感觉,就好像自己很投入地看了本厚厚的书,幻似别人的故事,却满是自己的影子。内容不算精彩,或者应该说是朴实无华,但看到了最后一章,却不自主地期待有续集的惊喜。明明就翻到了最后一页,却不想合上书本。把故事的情节在脑海里重演温习,意外地发现这一路走来,收获还真不少。
Everything happens for a reason,我非常相信。
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如果走出现在房间,搭个Lift转个弯就可以到美仪的房间煮饭,该多好? 怎么那时那么忙?忙得我都没时间把情绪给记录下来。 可惜。 |
Murmur 喃喃自語,
School Life 校園生活
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