Wednesday 29 April 2015

Affordable Good Cafe in JB 好吃便宜又舒適 - AnMour Cafe @Taman Mount Austin, Johor Bahru

I guess nobody will disagree if I say that JB is a city of cafes, cafe is literally everywhere in JB now! You can find a cafe at every corner in JB, oh my god I can't even catch the speed, I feel so outdated now. Among all the exquisite cafes in JB, AnMour Cafe is the most affordable cafe that offers good food at a reasonable price. 

JB最最最多的就是Cafe,開了一家又一家我都快跟不上了。在衆多Cafe中,AnMour Cafe的食物選擇多,價錢也很合理,我個人是覺得非常物廉價美啦!環境雖然不及其他Cafe來的精致有特色,但也算乾淨舒適,今天就和大家分享位于Taman Mount Austin 的AnMour 分行吧~ (AnMour Cafe共有4閒分行,Permas Jaya, Sutera Utama, Taman Mount Austin和 Taman Gaya各一閒)

Clean and simple interior design of AnMour Cafe

AnMour Cafe Menu

Free Buns with Mushroom Dipping Sauce

I was really surprised to find that AnMour Cafe offers FREE buns for customers! Don't you find that it's unbelievable too? I mean, everything is so expensive now and every penny counts, yet they're so generous to offer some little sweet thing for the customers, so heartwarming! The warm buns are soft and fluffy, it goes pretty well with the mushroom dipping sauce.

第一次在AnMour Cafe用餐時被這隨餐附贈的小麵包給嚇了一跳,服務生端上桌時我還跟他說送錯餐點了哈哈哈!後來才發現只要在AnMour Cafe用餐,他們都會免費送上鬆軟的小麵包,很貼心對不對!麵包雖然是免費的,但卻做得一點也不馬虎,微溫的麵包沾著蘑菇醬吃,味道很不錯哦!

Ice Lemon Tea
(Forgot the price)

Oh pardon my old and rusty brain, I lost my receipt so I can't remember the price of the drinks, sorry!


Oh I can't even remember what tea is this =.=

Cheesy Baked Chicken Cutlet with Mushroom Sauce
RM 14.90

What a generous portion of Chicken Cutlet! Plus they're not stingy with the side dishes, I love vegetables hehe! The chicken cutlet tasted normal and ordinary to me, nothing special.


Mini Burger Party
(Deluxe Edition)
RM 14.90

Tearing yourself apart between different burgers? Having friends who are indecisive while placing order? This dish is tailored for them! You can have beef, chicken, lamb and pork mini burgers at one go, sound like a good plan?


Spicy Chicken Burger
RM 11.90

This is really really good! Instead of using frozen patty, AnMour Cafe handmade all the burger patties and it really amazed me! The burger pork patty is juicy, succulent and tender. At the same time, the slight spiciness makes it even more flavourful and appetizing, I love it!

這個超好吃的!非常非常推薦!AnMour Cafe的burger内餡都是自家做的,肉味十足,不像冷凍肉餅那樣吃起來味如嚼蠟。重點是雞肉帶有一點辣味, 真的很開胃。胃口小的朋友可能需要和朋友分享這道漢堡,份量真的不是開玩笑的!

Chicken Cordan Bleu
RM 16.90

Awww this is so mouth-watering isn't it? I really wsih to try this out but I was full up to my throat after clearing my own plate, next time maybe! 


看吧,食物的價錢都很合理對不對?而且味道都很不錯。菜單上的食物種類繁多,我想我得去個好幾趟才有辦法一一嘗盡呵呵~ 最後破例送上人類照片兩張!話説以前我都會把日子的點滴和朋友的照片分享在部落格上,但點擊率越來越高之後反而變得小心翼翼,不太敢把什麽劈里啪啦有的沒的都放在這裡,感覺好像赤裸啊哈哈~ 今天本公主心情好,特賜人類照嘻嘻!

Okay that's all for today, see you again!
好啦,今天就到這裡吧,Bye  Bye!

AnMour Cafe Mount Austin Outlet
NO33-A, Jalan Austin Height 3/1,
Taman Mount Austin,
81100 Johor Bahru

Phone: 07-350 0897
Operating Hours:
Mon - Thu:12:00 - 23:00
Fri - Sat:12:00 - 00:00
Sun: 12:00 - 23:00



  1. I love AnMour Cafe so much!
    The portion is big but it is affordable :)

    1. Hello Allisoncbl,

      Yaya value for money indeed! Thanks for dropping by! :)


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