Friday 13 June 2014

Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS

東京一直是我很想去的地方,還記得以前和Dinah約好等我們賺了大錢就要一起去東京玩哈哈!想起來就覺得好白痴~ 公主我現在根本就還沒畢業沒工作也沒收入,所以東京之旅還得慢慢等咯~去不了東京沒關係,有機會用Tokyo Love Soap 洗澡我就很高興了哈哈哈!(根本就是在亂扯亂掰)哎喲講了一堆廢話,今天要和大家分享的就是最近紅翻天的TokyoLove Soap啦!

Tokyo is a place that I always want to go. I still remember how Dinah and I made promise that we will pay a visit to Tokyo after both of us earn buckets and buckets of money. Well I have not saved enough money for my Tokyo trip so Princess, please continue to save more haha~ The beauty product that I’m going to review today is originated from Tokyo! Yes you guess it right! It’s Tokyo Love Soap that everyone is crazy over!

Natta Cosme 的包裹總是充滿驚喜!
Parcels from Natta Cosme never fail to surprise me!

登登登!這就是傳説中的美白香皂,Tokyo Love Soap 咯~
Tada! Say hi to Tokyo Love Soaps!

真的很欣賞Natta Cosme!他們都會花心思在小細節上,讓客戶的購物經驗更加愉快~
每次收到Natta Cosme的包裹我的心情都會變好~~那麽漂亮的卡片看了就很喜歡啊~

I really love how Natta Cosme put in efforts in making customers' shopping experience better!
Look at the pretty print-out! It totally made my day^^

And they even included a small pack of fragrant dried petals~ Aww how lovely Natta  Cosme is~

I guess everyone will be very happy to receive such lovely parcel delivered to his/her doorstep, so this can be a great choice of present for your friends!

我手上這粒是80g 的Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS~
Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS (80g)

圓圓的外形看起來真的很像蛋糕咧!而且這肥皂超級香的! 根本就還沒開始搓泡泡就已經讓我的房間漫溢著 濃濃的玫瑰花香!蘊含粉紅玫瑰花瓣的萃取精華,Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS 聞起來清香天然,還沒用來洗澡我的神經就已經先放鬆了啦哈哈!之前就已經看到很多國外部落客為Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS而 瘋狂,大家都說這是神奇的美白香皂,搞得我也很好奇到底一塊小小的肥皂真的有那麽厲害嗎?仔細地看了看Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS的成份,我才明白它到底有多麽神奇!原來Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS 蘊含從Red Kwao Krua (Butea superb)提煉的天然植物Sterols,叫做Miroesrol!Miroestrol來頭可不小哦!它可是經過臨床實驗證明,能夠有效地收縮毛孔、美白亮膚、讓肌膚更加滑嫩,並且讓肌膚呈現健康自然的膚色,讓你看起來更加容光煥發!還有還有!它還能夠淡化皮膚上的黑斑和雀斑,讓你的膚色更加均勻透亮。天啊肥皂能夠做成這等境界實在是太令我佩服了!簡直就是把保養步驟在洗澡的時候一次做完,厲害厲害!對了!都忘了向大家解釋爲什麽Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS 會叫Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS呢?幹嗎不叫Tokyo Love Soap PURE BOYS啊?嘿嘿嘿!因爲這個肥皂是專門為女生所量身設計的,男生不能用哦!香皂裏的Miroestrol和紅玫瑰花瓣的萃取精華的比例經過專家特別調配,為的就是要模仿女生天然的Sex Phermone,所以男生千萬不能亂用Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS哦!否則後果不堪設想啊哈哈哈!

My first impression on Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS is that it smells heavenly good!! My room was flooded with the fragrance of rose when I opened the soap box, even before I lather bubbles from it! Containing Pink Rose Petal Extracts, the fresh unique scent of Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS made me to feel so relaxed! Tokyo Love Soap is very famous because of its excellent skin whitening and brightening effect and Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS is an upgraded version of Tokyo Love Soap! It is specially formulated with the natural plant sterols from Red Kwao Krua (Butea superba) containing Miroestrol. For your information, Miroestrol is a natural Estrogenic Phenol which is clinically proven for its effectiveness in minimizing pores, smoothening skin and adding a natural rosy tone to your skin! How awesome Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS is! It’s like all the skin care routine will be covered during your shower! Convenient and time saving huh! By the way, is anyone of you curious with the name of Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS? Why is called PURE GIRLS? Why not PURE BOYS? (LOL!) Hehehe that’s because Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS is a soap specially designed and formulated for girls! The mixture of Miroestrol and Pink Rose Petal Extracts is formulated in such a way that it mimics the natural female sex pheromone that attracts the males. So boys, do not make any attempt to try Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS because the effects can be dangerous and disastrous!

來來來,讓公主我來試試Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS,看看它有沒有那麽神奇呵呵!Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS 和其他普通香皂不同的一點就是它能夠用來洗臉和洗身體哦!簡直就是一粒肥皂走天下了哈哈!哦不,應該是一粒肥皂洗全身才對哈哈!把Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS在臉上和身上搓出泡泡之後千萬不要急著把泡泡沖掉哦!得讓泡泡在皮膚上停留最少3分鐘才能獲得最佳的美白效果。

Okay now let’s see how Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS works on me! Oh ya! Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS is not an ordinary soap, it’s really special that it can be used on both face and body! What you have to do are

1. Wet the skin.
2. Apply Tokyo Love Soap gently to your face and body.
3. Make a lather and leave the product for at least 3 minutes.

使用Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS 前
Before using Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS

使用Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS后
After using Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS

呃,好像一樣,沒變白咧~~(哭)(可是燈燈一直說有變白,是我眼睛有問題嗎?大家快來跟我說到底有變白嗎?)可是我才用那麽一次!效果怎麽可能那麽明顯啊~又不是漂白水~看來我得乖乖地每天都用Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS洗澡才能看到美白亮膚+收縮毛孔的神奇效果!等我再用一個禮拜后再回來和大家報告成果好了呵呵~但玫瑰花香真的很舒服,絕對讓人放鬆!我還真是第一次用到香味那這麽天然的香皂咧!普通香皂就是化學香精的味道啊~

Err, I can’t see any significant difference between the before and after photos~ Well it’s reasonable since I only used the product for one time and it’s impossible to have an immediate whitening and brightening effects right? It’s not a bleach after all hahaha!! I think I should use Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS continuously for at least a month to see significant whitening effect on my skin. So let me continue to use the product and I will update the results with you all after one week okay? Although I have not seen any immediate whitening effect on my skin, but the rosy fragrance of the soap has already grabbed my heart! It just smells so nice and pleasant!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>一星期后After I Week >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

好啦,我真的乖乖地連續用Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS用了一個星期哦!結果出來的效果連我自己都嚇了一跳!
OMG NOW KNOW WHY EVERYONE IS CRAZY OVER Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS!! Because it really works! Amazing result! 

 使用Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS 前
Before using Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS

                                             連續使用Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS一星期后
After using Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS Continuously for 1 Week

有沒有看到!!我變白了哇哈哈哈!實在是太神奇了!日本出品果然品質保證!難怪大家都為Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS而瘋狂!大家猜猜看這80g的Love Soap PURE GIRLS 售價多少錢呢?RM 148!!有嚇到是不是!不便宜吼!可是這裡有好消息要分享給大家,那就是Natta Cosme 現在正舉辦促銷,原價RM 148 的Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS現在只售RM 85 哦!足足便宜了RM 63 呢!而且現在購買Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS的朋友只需在Checkout時輸入TLSM的優惠碼,你就可以免費得到15g 的 Tokyo Love Soap Medicated!公主我也有拿到哦~

OMG You see it? My skin is fairer after using Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS continuously for 1 week! It really works! This is really amazing! Thumbs up for this product! Now I understand why everyone is crazy over this product, getting a fairer skin effortlessly by using a special soap during your shower, how can one not to fall in love with Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS? Interested in buying Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS? I have a great news for all of you! Natta Cosme is having a promotion now where you can get a Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS which is normally sold at RM148 at RM85 only! Total discount of RM63! The good deal doesn't end here! Be the first 100 customers to purchase Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS and you are entitled to get a FREE 15g Tokyo Love Soap Medicated.

就是這個!小小的Tokyo Love Soap Medicated 真的很可愛!
Here is the 15g Tokyo Love Soap Medicated that I got from Natta Cosme! Very cute right! 

Interested in buying Tokyo Love Soap PURE GIRLS? Wait no more! Now is the best timing to make purchase since Natta Cosme is offering great discount and FREE gift! Click here to make your purchase^^

For more great deals on skin care/beauty/make up products:

Oh ya, don't forget to add Natta Cosme on LINE yo!


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