我们家真的很爱很爱吃辣,所以泰国餐一直都是我们出外用餐的首选。老实说泰国餐我真的吃过不少,其中的佼佼者都是在藏在小贩中心里小小的摊位,不起眼,没冷气,可是味道真的是一流的啊!(哎哟这个我下次再介绍好了哈哈~)反观那些装潢地漂亮好看、有冷气的连锁泰国餐馆却常常让我失望~ 但今天我要和大家分享的泰国连锁餐厅却很有水准哦!打破了我对泰国连锁餐厅的偏见,原来Shopping Mall里面也可以找到好吃的泰国餐!
Thai cuisine is always my family's favourite whenever we're eating outside since all of us are spicy lovers. I dined in numerous Thai restaurants and my favourite goes to a small and unpleasant-looking stall in non-air-conditioned hawker centre. (I will talk about this stall another day haha) In contrast, those franchised Thai restaurants frequently found in shopping malls are not my cup of tea. These restaurants are well-furnished and the environment is more comfortable but sad to say, I'm not pleased with their food (for most of the time). Oh yea the Princess is hard to please! After several unpleasant dining experience at these franchised Thai restaurants, I can't help but to avoid them when I want to have Thai cuisine. However, the Thai restaurant that I'm going to share with you today changed my mindset. My perception on franchised Thai restaurants was proven wrong after I dined in this restaurant.
Absolute Thai @ KSL City Mall, Johor Bahru |
身为JB人我竟然从来不知道KSL City Mall 里面藏着这家泰国餐厅!什么?!哎哟这也不能怪我啊,毕竟公主我大部分的时间都在KL,一年内大概只有30天是在JB的呵呵~ Absolute Thai 位于KSL的Lower Ground, 也就是Tesco的那层。Absolute Thai其实不太好找,背对Tesco的话,Absolute Thai 就在Tesco的右手边,只要一直往右走就会看到这家店咯~
I was really surprised to know that there is a Thai restaurant hidden in the KSL City Mall. I shopped at KSL City Mall quite frequently and I have never seen this restaurant before omg @@ Located at the Lower Ground of KSL City Mall, Absolute Thai is at the same row with Tesco.
一踏進Absolute Thai我就被裏面時尚摩登的裝潢給深深吸引住了!太漂亮了啦!和我固有印象中的泰國餐廳實在是差太遠了!通常泰國餐廳都會裝潢地很有熱帶風情,店裏多數都會擺些椰樹啊之類的,這麽有時尚感的泰國餐廳我還是第一次見識哦!
In contrast to the other Thai restaurants which are usually furnished in Tropical design, Absolute Thai is a very stylish and modern restaurant. This is my first time to see such a trendy and chic Thai restaurant!
How lovely it is! I fell in love with the interior design of Absolute Thai immediately as soon as I stepped into the shop! At one moment I thought I was back to some coffee house in Korea! This is just too pretty to be real!
欣賞了Absolute Thai的摩登裝潢,現在就讓我來為大家品嘗這裡的美食佳肴吧!
After giving you a short tour at the well-furnished Absolute Thai, it's the time to kick start our hot and spicy gastronomical journey today!
Thai Mango Salad with Crispy Catfish RM 15.90 |
開餐前當然要吃開胃菜咯~ 今晚的開胃菜真的很盡責,我吃了之後馬上胃口大開呵呵呵!酸酸的泰式芒果Salad一直都是我非常喜歡的伴菜,Absolute Thai 把酥炸Catfish (鲶鱼)加到Salad中,讓這道普通得不能再普通的涼拌菜瞬間Upgrade!芒果絲裏拌上了大量的花生粒,再配上香香酥酥的Catfish, 整個口感真的非常好。都還沒正式開餐我就吃了不少Salad呵呵!
Thai Mango Salad is not new to me, it is always my favourite side dish when I was studying in the university. But Thai Mango Salad topped with crispy Catfish is something that I have never tried before and it tasted so good! The fresh mango slices were well-mixed with peanuts, and it went so well with the crispy catfish!
Tomyam Seafood Soup Served in Firepot (Red Base) RM 26.90 |
泰國餐裏的衆多佳肴中,我最喜歡的非Tomyam莫屬!Absolute Thai 的Tomyam 鍋非常特別,分成紅湯和清湯兩种。紅湯裏面放了椰漿,味道非常濃郁,哦現在想起來就覺得好餓啊啊啊~~ Tomyam海鮮鍋裏面有蝦、魚肉、Sotong、還有公主非常喜歡的草菇!紅湯的Tomyam喝起來酸酸辣辣的,但不會嗆口,新鮮的椰漿更是整個湯頭得神來之筆,濃郁的味道我的真很喜歡!乔喬喝了一口湯就不停地在喊辣,但由於公主很能吃辣,所以覺得Absolute Thai 的Tomyam 辣度還好。
Tomyam is definitely my favourite Thai dish. Who can resist a pot of hot and fiery tomyam soup on a cold rainy day? Two types of Tomyam hot pot are available in Absolute Thai, which are red base soup and clear soup respectively. They looked very different and of course, they tasted different as well. Both of the seafood hotpots were served with generous amount of prawns, fish slices, sotong and my favourite straw mushroom!
Tomyam Seafood Soup Served in Firepot (Clear Base) RM 26.90 |
清湯Tomyam和紅湯Tomyam非常不一樣!雖然一樣是Tomyam,但少了椰漿的加持,清湯 Tomyam相較之下就顯得比較遜色了。個人覺得清湯Tomyam略咸,我想我已經愛上紅湯Tomyam,眼裏容不下其他Tomyam了啦哈哈!
Red base soup is creamier due to the presence of coconut milk. In contrast, clear base soup is lighter. Comparing the two soups, I personally prefer the red base soup because it tasted more flavourful. The clear base soup was a bit salty for my liking.
Red base soup is creamier due to the presence of coconut milk. In contrast, clear base soup is lighter. Comparing the two soups, I personally prefer the red base soup because it tasted more flavourful. The clear base soup was a bit salty for my liking.
Pineapple Fried Rice with Prawns RM 16.90 |
Absolute Thai 的黃梨炒飯賣相非常好,黃澄澄的炒飯上撒滿了腰豆和蝦,看了就令人食指大動~ 但吃了一口卻有少少失望,沒嘗到黃梨的甜香~ 或許是我不太幸運,吃到的部分都沒有黃梨?
Being served in a pineapple bowl, the pineapple fried rice was topped with generous amount of cashew nuts and fresh prawns. This dish looked very appetizing but the taste was a bit disappointing. I didn't find any pineapple cubes in the fried rice, or maybe it was just because I didn't have the luck to get some pineapple cubes? Maybe I shall give it another try next time.
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Green Curry Chicken RM 16.90 |
青咖喱是我的摯愛啊!吃泰國餐必點!我實在無法解釋爲什麽我會那麽喜歡青咖喱,濃郁的香料就是有辦法讓我死心塌地哈哈!這道青咖喱雞肉一端上來我就一直盯著它看了,我的青咖喱你是我的哇哈哈哈!Absolute Thai的青咖喱沒讓我失望,非常creamy, 香料下地很大方,一點都不吝嗇。咖喱裏面的茄子煮得熟透,非常軟綿,有些茄子甚至已經和青咖喱融為一體了呢!!有些泰國餐廳的青咖喱茄子會煮不熟,Oh No that's a disaster! 軟綿綿的茄子配上一樣煮得熟透的長豆,真的好好吃啊!最最最棒的是裏面的雞肉全都去了骨,太貼心了啦!(雖然公主我上了大學后已經學會怎麽吃有骨頭的雞肉,但心裏還是默默地對沒有骨頭的雞充滿依戀~)
This was so so so good! I'm a huge fans of green curry and Absolute Thai's green curry was cooked to perfection! The brinjal was cooked to a soft and mushy state and it almost fused with the thick green curry gravy. At the same time, the boneless chicken pieces remained juicy and tender. This is my favourite dish of the night and I will definitely come back for it.
Sizzling Ming Prawns with Tamarind Sauce RM 38.90 |
認識我的朋友都知道公主我最喜歡吃蝦了,這道酸梅醬明蝦做得很不錯哦!其實海鮮最重要是要夠新鮮,不然的話配醬再怎麽好吃也是徒然。咬下明蝦的第一口就能馬上發現蝦子非常爽脆有嚼勁,重點是非常鮮甜!如果你常常吃蝦的話你就會發現有些店家的蝦子雖然口感爽脆,味道卻不鮮甜,那是就表示蝦子是不新鮮的。爽脆的口感很多時候是用微量的硼砂製造出來的~ 對了,這道酸梅醬明蝦的蝦子都已經去殼了,吃起來非常方便!
If I were to describe this dish in one sentence, then I will say "A mouthful of freshness and juiciness!" The Ming prawns were very very fresh, therefore giving a mouthful of ocean sweetness when I bite the prawn. You don't have to worry about the prawn-peeling process, the kitchen did it for you. :D The natural ocean sweetness of the Ming prawns went perfectly with the sourness of the Tamarind sauce. This is a very appetizing dish that will make you to ask for a second bowl of rice.
If I were to describe this dish in one sentence, then I will say "A mouthful of freshness and juiciness!" The Ming prawns were very very fresh, therefore giving a mouthful of ocean sweetness when I bite the prawn. You don't have to worry about the prawn-peeling process, the kitchen did it for you. :D The natural ocean sweetness of the Ming prawns went perfectly with the sourness of the Tamarind sauce. This is a very appetizing dish that will make you to ask for a second bowl of rice.
Stir-Fired Bean Curd with Hot Basil Leaves RM 12.90 |
Nothing can go wrong with hot Basil leaves, so does this tofu. Fragrant and sweet, a dish that is suitable for all.
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Thai Fish Cakes RM 9.90 |
Thai Fish Cake tasted like chinese spring roll and the special Thai sauce definitely did a great job in enhancing its flavour.
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Mango with Sticky Rice RM 11.90 |
甜品時間到!芒果糯米是泰國餐的必點甜點。Absolute Thai只採用本地種植的芒果哦!
A meal is not complete without dessert. And we had two desserts after the fiery hot and spicy meal. Absolute Thai only uses local Mango to prepare this dessert. The sticky rice was a bit hard for my liking, I would prefer it to be softer and stickier.
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Water Chestnut in Coconut Milk Topped with Jackfruits |
This is a must-try! I love this so so so much! It might look ordinary and plain to you but trust me, this is a hidden gem in Absolute Thai! Can you spot the small red pieces floating in the coconut milk? These tiny red pieces were so yummy! They are actually bites of water chestnut wrapped in sago, how did they do it? Oh I really like the special texture.
This is a must-try! I love this so so so much! It might look ordinary and plain to you but trust me, this is a hidden gem in Absolute Thai! Can you spot the small red pieces floating in the coconut milk? These tiny red pieces were so yummy! They are actually bites of water chestnut wrapped in sago, how did they do it? Oh I really like the special texture.
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Ice Blended Mango RM 12 |
原本還以爲這杯芒果冰沙會是甜甜的,但沒想到卻是酸的~個人還是比較喜歡 Lemon Tree 的Mango Milk Shake.
I was expecting this drink to be very sweet and to my surprise, it was sour! You can taste the mango fibers in the drink. Well my favourite Mango drink still goes to Lemon Tree's Mango Milk Shake. Oh I can never forget that divine rich and creamy texture.
Lemon Grass Juice RM 8 |
After having all the hot and spicy Thai dishes, a glass of Lemon Grass Juice can give you an immediate cooling effect. It tasted very natural with a light honey hint.
After having all the hot and spicy Thai dishes, a glass of Lemon Grass Juice can give you an immediate cooling effect. It tasted very natural with a light honey hint.
Muay Thai Punch RM 12 |
Thai Iced Tea RM 9 |
Absolute Thai (KSL Mall Branch)
Lot LG-22A, Level LG,
KSL City,
33, Jalan Seladang,
Taman Abad,
80250 Johor Bahru,
Tel: +607-289 0052
Operating Day : Monday to Sunday
Operating Hour : 11:00am - 10:00pm
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/YkqCE
GPS: 1.4831581, 103.76245470000
Website: www.absolutethai.com.my
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AbsoluteThai
Special Deal: Groupon Deal
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