Saturday, 15 March 2014

Korean Folk Village 韓國民俗村

Have you watched the latest episode of Running Man? Yes! I'm referring to "You Who Came From The Stars" Special RM! This episode of Running Man was filmed in Korean Folk Village located at Yongin City, Gyeonggi Province. This village is the main filming location of many popular Korean dramas such as "The Jewels", "Sungkyunkwan Scandal" and many more. Korea Folk Village has recreated the life of Korean people through the exhibition of various household goods. It consists of hospital, market, jail, court, toilet and any of the public amenities that you can think of! It's just like a real village! At the same time, various handicrafts including pottery making, winnows, round bamboo baskets, bamboo ware, round willow baskets, Korean paper, brassware, knotting and embroidery, paper umbrellas, musical instruments, furniture, farming tools and accessories are exhibited here. They also prepare folk performance including farmer's music &dance, acrobatics on a tightrope, equestrian feats and traditional wedding ceremony. Thus, don't forget to check on the performance schedule before you go because I'm sure that you don't wish to miss any of them! (I missed the traditional wedding ceremony T.T) 

想必大家都看了185集的Running Man了吧?是的!我指的就是《來自星星的你》Special 那一集~大家是不是覺朝鮮時代那一段的布景格外逼真呢?位于京畿道龙仁市的韓國民俗村可説是各大韓國古裝劇的主要取景點哦!熱門劇集如《大長今》《成均舘緋聞》等都在這裡拍攝~ 韓國民俗村重現了韓民族于朝鮮時代的衣食住生活。醫舘、市集、衙門、監獄、便所等等應有盡有,儼然像個真正的生活社區。此外,大家也可在指定時段欣賞到朝鮮時代的走繩、農樂、騎馬武藝以及傳統婚禮,所以大家在前往韓國民俗村之前記得要先查好公演時段哦!(公主我就錯過了傳統婚禮的公演,遺憾啊啊啊啊啊~~)個人非常喜歡這個地方,每個細節都做得非常用心,一點都不馬虎,路上甚至還能遇見儒生打扮的工作人員在騎馬散步呢!村子裏面也能撞見正在編制農家斗笠的大叔哦!(雖然是工作人員扮成的,但就覺得很有真實感啊!)建議大家可以穿上韓服來這裡拍照!不然就會像照片中的我那樣,和背景顯得格格不入呵呵~




  1. Hopefully I could go there one day. <3

    1. Dear Miss Ika,

      Don't worry you will definitely have a chance to go there one day! It's really fun in the village!

  2. Hey, you look cuter than Lee Young Ae!

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    3. OMG it's Corinne!! Thank you for visiting my humble blog! I'm so surprised and overjoyed! Thank you!

  3. Replies
    1. It's a very interesting place!! Remember to go there if you go to Korea ^^

  4. 我好想去running man的每个拍摄地点 ~~~


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