Tuesday 5 August 2014

Bloop Germ Blaster


Yes you're right! Another HiShop parcel was delivered to the Princess' house today!
Let's guess what's in the parcel today?
Hint: A small little thing that I will carry with me for most of the time, and I feel secured and safe after using it!

答案揭曉!今天收到的是Bloop的Germ Blaster,也就是殺菌洗手液啦!

Tada! It's Germ Blaster from Bloop! A hand sanitizer! 
As usual, HiShop did a perfect job in their packaging. The product was securely bubble-wrapped to prevent leakage and spillage during the delivery process.

Bloop Germ Blaster

Bloop Germ Blaster

How cute is this! "I'm the Professor Germ Blaster" haha!

Bloop Germ Blaster

Bloop Germ Blaster和我平時在用的的洗手液很不一樣哦!

Bloop Germ Blaster is so small in size that it doesn't occupy much space in your bag and pocket, you can bring it around easily!

好吧在這裡我要承認,我是有一點點小小的潔癖(只是一點點啦!!不要這樣看著我嘛~)平時都比較愛乾淨,所以消毒洗手液這東西是我的好朋友呵呵~ 外面的細菌和病毒那麽多,至少吃東西之前要先殺個菌嘛是不是?(必須先澄清我不會在朋友面前這樣做,不然大家可能會覺得我有病*擦淚*)

Okay I have to confess that I'm a little bit obsessed with cleanliness (Just a little bit okay! Don't judge) so hand sanitizer is definitely my best friend when I'm outside, especially at crowded places such as shopping malls and trains/buses. 

Bloop Germ Blaster 呈凝膠狀(這是什麽廢話),裏面漂浮著藍色的潔淨顆粒,聞起來有淡淡的香氣。沒用過殺菌洗手液?來來來公主教你。只需要在掌心滴上一滴洗手液(如圖般大小),然後隨意地把洗手液在掌心搓開就行了!記得不要加水哦!殺菌洗手也就是讓你在無水的情況下也能輕鬆洗手的啊~ 在搓揉的過程中洗手液會自己揮發,之後記得也不需要再用水洗手哦!

Bloop Germ Blaster comes in gel form, and there are some blue cleansing beads suspended in the gel. Besides, it smells very nice! A light and comfortable scent which makes you to feel refreshed after using it. Do you know how to use a hand sanitizer? Just drip a drop of the hand gel onto your palm and rub the gel throughout your hands until all of the gel vapourises. Remember not to add water when using Bloop Germ Blaster yo! The purpose of a hand sanitizer is to clean your hand in the absence of water. Also, you don't have to wash your hands with water after using Bloop Germ Blaster. (I know I sounds naggy but believe it or not, some people just don't know about these!)

看吧!洗手液會自己揮發掉的,搓干之後就是乾淨無菌的手咯~ Bloop Germ Blaster 含有0.3% 的Triclosan, 能夠有效地消滅99.9%的細菌。在人多的公共場所就能派上用場啦~

See? The hand gel will vapourise during the rubbing action, leaving your hands lightly-scented. Bloop Germ Blaster contains 0.3% of Triclosan and it can destroy 99.9% of germs on your hands. 

Bloop Germ Blaster 有五种顔色供選擇,不管什麽顔色,它們的殺菌效果都一樣^^ 對了,HiShop 現在有特別促銷哦!5支Bloop Germ Blaster 現在只售RM 24.50, 還附贈可愛的吊飾呢!趕快點擊鏈接去看看吧,以免向隅!因爲你是我的讀者所以你和其他人不一樣!只需輸入我的專署優惠碼LIEWSINYEE,你就能享有15%的折扣哦!(是的,不管你買什麽買多少都能享有15%的優惠!)

Bloop Germ Blaster are available in 5 different colours and all of them are really cute! Oh ya, all of them have the same 99.9% sanitizing effect regardless of their colours. HiShop is having a special promotion now that you can get 5 bottles of Bloop Germ Blaster at a super cheap price of RM 24.50! Plus you will be given a Germ Blaster Holder for free yo! This is not the end of the promotion, just key in LIEWSINYEE upon checking out and you will be entitled a 15% discount on your total bill, exclusively for Princess Neverland's readers! 

That's all for today, thank you for reading! 

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